The Truth

We’ve all watched horror movies and read terrifying stories, and have an idea of how they work. Abandoned houses, old women, lonely streets and the occasional demonic possessions. Do you believe them? What If I told you these are all false… Misconceptions fabricated to hide the truth… But hey, if you don’t believe them, why should you believe me. Afterall, this could just be one of those stories written to play with your mind. But there’s something about this piece that’s caught your attention. No one else has told you about this misconception; you want to know the truth, don’t you? Somewhere at the back of your brain you know this is serious. This isn’t some fiction story…did this even start like a story? I just want people to wake up and see what is being hidden from us.
Have you ever wondered why you’d wake up at night sometimes feeling uncomfortable? Why you’d rinse your face quickly so your eyes would stay open during a shower ? There are points in your life when you are so certain you’re being watched. You know you can feel those eyes tracing your every step, but you ignore it…all the time…. It’s part of the brainwashing programme the horror creators use. They make you believe that all heart gripping, pant wetting scenes are just fictional. But you like them; someway, somehow you thank the stars that these things exist only in movies. They make you want to watch more and more so you’re so certain of your incapability to get frightened. These writers, they cloud your mind.
The truth, however, is that the terror isn’t in abandoned houses and books and movies showing demons tossing people around. The truth is, these demons exist…. and walk amongst us.
Three days ago, I decided to download a whole collection of horror books, pictures , videos and movies. I’m quite the fan. There was this site, I know a few horror fans have heard of it, “DarkNet”. A few because most of you have never hit the last page on Google when searching for something. What you need is mostly on the first page…. Well I did. This site was probably at the heart of the entire Internet world… It was different… It didn’t have books or videos. It was a blog of sorts. What made the site different was the writing. It wasn’t in any language I’d seen before. It had a weird mixture of symbols and letters occupying 3 lines and then blank to the bottom. I scrolled for about 20 seconds before I noticed a small ” translate” link highlighted in blue at the very bottom of the page. I clicked on it :

That was it. The whole 3 lined blog translated into three words. “Spam”, I thought. I closed my laptop and went to bed. But those words, they remained etched in my head.
I woke up 2 hours later very thirsty and uncomfortable, and that’s when I realised my mistake.

Did you try to pronounce the words? You probably did….
There is known to be only one way to penetrate the spiritual dimension, and that is “astro projection” . I’ve discovered another.
Now you know the truth; you can feel it creep down your brain to the very back.

Everything is different now. As soon as you sleep, your body will reset. You’ll feel someone hit a switch in your head. You’ll see them: the demons and creatures. They aren’t in movies and stories. They are real. You’ll smile in a mirror, but your reflection will stare back at you. You won’t just feel eyes watching you, you’ll hear their voices…I’m sorry I couldn’t help it. People have to know the truth. They need to open their eyes and clear that mist in their head. You can’t fight it. But if you want to try, my only advice is : ‘Don’t even think of falling asleep’

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